"The BIC is the pride of the entire region due to Filse’s everyday committment – speaks out the president of the Liguria region Giovanni Toti – and the acquired certification only confirms the entreprenerial burst that we are experiencing. The BIC of Genoa is being recognized for its excellence in the incubation and nurture of new businesses characterized by a high technological value.
"This is a new finish line for our Business Incubator, the BIC of Genoa - according to Lorenzo Cuocolo, FILSE’s President – that, in February of 2024, becomes a part of the 63 incubators certified by the MIMIT (Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy), solidifying its spot as the one and only certified Business Incubator in the entire region. The certification obtained presents the actual goals that were achieved by FILSE in the last three years in terms of business creation, with a staggering growth in numbers and quality brought by the assisted businesses, thanks to the sinergies activated at a regional, national and european level.”
"During 2023, out of 239 innovative star-ups in Liguria, 47 have taken advantage of FILSE’s support and 9 of them are now working with the BIC of Genoa. At this moment – pinpoints Maria Nives Riggio, General Deputy Director of FILSE – there are 33 businesses that are supported and accompanied by a specialized FILSE group which is available to answer all kinds of needs and developement opportunities.
The certification was also obtained due to the 9 innovative start-ups, certified by the Registro Imprese, settled in at the BIC of Genoa and considering the following numbers: 37 employees; €540.000,00of private capital; € 1.295.312,20of public funds; 18 obtained and presented licenses; 2.200 mq of spaces that they could take advantage of.
"It’s a lot more than a mere physical space for businesses. Its an innovative ecosyetem that provides an integrated system, comprising specialized services that were strategically crafted to support both start-ups and SMEs in their first years of activity: from thire first consultancy to the support for the developement of business and industrial relations in Liguria as well as in Italy and out – underlines the general regional assessor in relation to economic developement, Alessio Piana.