In just a few words, this is the program of the twelth 𝑺𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑻𝒄𝒖𝒑 𝑳𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒂 final, the business plan competition proposed by Regione Liguria, organized by FILSE, collaborating with the Università degli Studi di Genova and the Associazione PNICube 🚀
👉 Next Wednesday, the 30th of October starting from 3.00 p.m. at the BIC - Incubatore di imprese FILSE and streaming live on social media (Facebook and YouTube) on the BIC account, not to miss the event and participate to the vote of the audience.
🎙️ 𝑺𝑷𝑬𝑪𝑰𝑨𝑳 𝑮𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻 online hashtag#luccacomics Mario Moroni, author and podcaster of "Il Caffettino - Un espresso di innovazione"
In collaboration with :Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - Comune di Genova | Main Partner Gruppo Iren - Ansaldo Energia - Zest Group - MANAGERITALIA
To sign up, click here!
The results are here! Its Neurotronika the absolute winner of the twelth edition of SMARTcup Liguria. This start-up develops innovative neuroprosthetics to prevent seizures that are resistent to medication. Due to a very cutting edge technology in the field, Neurotronika aims to offer an increased wellbeing and a more sociable life for patients affected by this condition.
On the podium we have:
ValoRI-Valorizzare Ricerca e Ricercatori
An innovative solution that allows to climb the transformation process of scientific research in business projects: due to the semantic analysis and the clusterization of unpublished research, through an AI Reasoning Model, ValoRI is able to orient research towards specific and targeted outcomes, favouring the interaction between both public and private investors.
Its a spin-off by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia that proposes to decarbonize sectors such as the heavy, chemistry and the transport industries due to green hydrogen production and other advanced e-fuel.
Soberspace AI
It aims to reduce road accidents and promote a healthier lifestyle: the app proposed combines cutting edge technologies such as AI as well as the use of wearable items and smartphones to provide real-time notifications and suggestions to prevent risky behaviours.
The final day of this edition, hosted at the BIC Genova – FILSE’s Business Incubator was inaugurated by: Gerolamo Taccogna, FILSE’S President; Pietro Piciocchi, the Vice Mayor and Gabriella Drago the Director of the Department of Economic developement. The event was presented by Maria Nives Riggio, the Deputy Director of FILSE. The iniciative saw eight finalists, selected amongst the total twelve who participated in an inspiring path, engaging 66 entrepreneural ideas using the famous “elevator pitch” method. The latter consists in a short presentation carefully laid out to describe to potential investors the qualities of one’s own project as well as convince them to invest.
“It was an honor, and a very exciting one at that, being able to prize the winners of this edition of SMARTcup Liguria 2024, right in the space where these amazing ideas flourish, grow and are then able to develop on their own – declared Gerolamo Taccogna, FILSE’s President. The role of the regional financial institution has become stronger in the past few years, mirroring the strong relationship that FILSE maintains with the businesses that were born there, supporting them during their own journey. The only thing left to do – Taccogna concluded – is to wish good luck and prosperity to those who have particiated.”
SMARTcup Liguria has reached its twelth edition. Throughout the years it has seen its fair share of projects, 518 business projects overall, out of which 60 have transformed themselves into fully working businesses that foster employment in the Liguria region.
“The striking amount of project proposals that the jurors have looked over these past 12 years – added Gabriella Drago, General Director of the Economic Developement sector of the Regione Liguria – highlights the care that the Regione Liguria has maintained fostering fertile ground for innovative business ideas – covering a high variety of fields such as the digital and AI, robotics, alternative energies and so much more – that from here on out are also able to convince and conquer national and internationa limelight. The synergies of the Regione Liguria and FILSE – concluded Drago – are able to create with the territory are then able to build a unique ecosystem which only becomes stronger with time, thanks to the Genius Loci that we prize with Genoa and the entire region.
The 4 winners recieved a partecipation prize for the National Prize for Innovation as well as more than 6 months of hospitality and incubation within the BIC.
The insttitute Università di Genova has also proclaimed its STARTCUP UNIGE, twin iniciative that happens simultaneously with the SMARTcup with significant financial prizes, that went to "Biocycle", "Soberspace AI" and "YRBONUS”.
Moreover, 30 additional prizes were assigned, offered by the parners of the iniciative with a value of approximately 120.000 €. Particularly, IREN’s contribution needs to be highlighted as it will allow to enhance developement actions.
At the final event, 150 people were present and participated with enthusiasm to the online vote of the audience.
“The SMARTcup – concluded Nives Riggio FILSE’s deputy director – is only the starting point of a new path. FILSE is recognized for building a strong relationship with its start-ups, supporting them with the activities of the BIC, as well as through the collaboration with all actors, within the Liguria region and internationally, that work towards innovation. We see them grow and develop. For this reason, we’ve also launched, as of three years ago, the “SMARTcup Plus” which prizes the achievements of innovative businesses that, starting from the original SMARTcup, have reached significant outcomes both economic and qualitative.”
During the event, the prize for the SMARTcup PLUS 2024 was also assigned. Dedicated to the most innovative SME of the year. The winner was “HODLIE”, the innovative start-up that launched a predictive platform for a crypto wallet, winning over the other two participants “Rewing” and “Boccamatta”.
The next meeting will be at the PNI - Premio Nazionale per l’Innovazione, promoted by the national network of the University Business Incubators (PNICube), the 5th and 6th of December, Rome: a significant, international display window where the Ligurian finalists will have the opportunity to go up against the ones from other regions.