The event will outline the main activities that will be carried throughout the duration of the project and how they will benefit businesses as well as the stakeholders of the tourism and culture sectors. Fabio Viola, gamification designer and ideator of innovative cultural experiences, will be in charge of an intervention totally dedicated to the use of digital technologies for the promotion and realization of cultural heritage.
The project aims at supporting the technological transition and the developement of both tourism and cultural industries of the five regions involved in the project (Toscana, Sardegna, Liguria, PACA e Corsica) thanks to the amazing opportunities brought forward by the digital world (metaverse, videogames and gamification, virtual and augmented, and AI).
FILSE is a partner of the project together with the Camera di Commercio di Nuoro, Fondazione Alghero, Toulon Var Tecnologies (TVT), Camera di Commercio e Industria della Corsica, which is co-financed by the Program Interreg Italia-Francia Marittimo 2021-2027 as well as the Fondazione per l’Innovazione e lo Sviluppo Imprenditoriale of Pisa.
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